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Follow me in my NEW Adventure of being 30 --2014 will be full of laughter, tears, hard work and lots of photos of all the GREAT things this year will bring.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Adventures of Young Molly

I'm working on my final animation project, Framed.   In this story I am using the much younger version of Molly. She is about 8 years old and she finds herself on quite the adventure.

 I'm using Photoshop to create the back drop for Molly's character. I'm also using the timeline and onion skinning  to add her movement throughout the frames. This is the digital version of a flip book.

22 layers later, I am done with my background and now it's time to animate young Molly. She will jump, float, swing from frame to frame. With a few surprises along the way, she will make her way back home.  This will be my first time using a graphic table; so after lots of stressing out and practice I think I'm able to do a simple drawing of Molly and put her in this fun world I've created for her. 

Art consists of limitation. The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame.
-Gilbert K. Chesterton

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