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Follow me in my NEW Adventure of being 30 --2014 will be full of laughter, tears, hard work and lots of photos of all the GREAT things this year will bring.

Friday, April 4, 2014


Every girl has that one thing that they want to change or don't like about themselves. For me, it's my natural curly hair. For those of you who don't know, I haven't worn my hair in its natural curly state in over ten years. Most of my family haven't even seen it that way in a long time and some didn't even know I had curly hair. That is because I felt it made me look unpretty and I was self conscious about my hair because of all the attention it drew. Not all the attention was bad but I didn't like it just the same. It's funny how sometimes you can get totally consumed by that one thing you wish you could change, that you loose sight of what's really important...to love yourself and your insecurities.

After years of struggling with my hair, the new, older and much wiser me decided to overcome my insecurity about my hair and do something that scares me and wear it naturally curly. And that's just what I did...

Day One: It took everything in my power not to cry. I know what you're thinking "it's just wet, curly hair, it's not that big of a deal, Jes". But, I couldn't stop myself...I cried. Remember, I haven't styled my hair this way in years; and, not only that, no one has really ever seen it that way. Well, the good news is that with makeup and a cute outfit, I turned my attitude right around. Day 1 was a success, I felt pretty and I couldn't remember why I was so self conscious about my curly hair in the first place.

Day Two: I made the most of a "bad situation". Ha! Even though day one went well, day two was a bit different. To wear curly hair as a style, I must start with wet hair and apply a hair product in order for it look the way I want it to. Ain't nobody got time for that. Day two didn't turn out as planned but at least I walked with my head high and was still happy with this "little" challenge.

My Secret to Overcoming an Insecurity: Embrace it. No matter how you think you look or feel, because 9 times out of 10 you really do look good. Next, put some effort into your look. The extra time you put  into your outfit or makeup routine really does make a difference. Lastly, love yourself because your family and friends do!

Ladies (and gents), My challenge to you is to embrace whatever insecurities you might have no matter how big or small --you will be happier for it! Watch Cassandra's Story and learn what it means to truly be BeYOUtiful.

"One of the greatest journeys in life is overcoming insecurity and learning to truly not give a crap."


  1. I love your curly hair. I've been so much happier with my hair since I embraced the curls and waves. Yours is beautiful and the more you wear it curly, the more your hair will remember its curls and hold the curl.
