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Follow me in my NEW Adventure of being 30 --2014 will be full of laughter, tears, hard work and lots of photos of all the GREAT things this year will bring.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Mama Mia (Part I)

I recently read an article about the joys and struggles of turning 30*. Number One stated "You will figure out who YOU really are and why you have gone through so much". It goes on to say "You will reflect on your life..." and that's just what I've been doing. I have a close knit group of friends in my life who have been by my side through the good, the bad and the ugly. I can't mention everyone because this blog post would be too long, but I will say that I love and appreciate each and everyone of you more than you will ever know. My life has been rough, unpretty and hard at times and you never judged me, but instead stood beside me no matter what kind of trouble I was getting myself into.

With all that being said I would like to talk about one of these people who has been with me (literally) every step of the way... My Mom. She will be surprised that I'm writing about her because she thought I was doing my "beYOUtiful" blog, but lately it's been on my heart to talk about how amazing my mom is. I know many people can say that their mom is the best or amazing, but my mom and I's relationship is a little different than most.

I'll start from the beginning... I was adopted at 4 months old. My conditions at birth were less than desirable, my birth mother had left me in my crib and unattended for months. As most of you know the first days/months after birth are crucial for bonding with your baby and I never got to bond with anyone. Yes,  very sad I know but one day...actually a miracle happened, being adopted allowed me to grow up with true unconditional love.

I have to be honest and say that I gave my mom hell. Although she would never use that word, I can safely say this because looking back I was not an easy child, teenager or adult in my early/mid 20's. It wasn't until my son was born that life got real and I started realizing how my mom never gave up on me even though she could have walked away at any moment. She told me all the time she would always love me and she did. Now that I'm older and much wiser I can call her my best friend and confidant. It's amazing when I let my guard down and let go of all the secrets (guess what friends...mothers REALLY do know all) that our relationship began to change. 

I've said already that I have several people in my life that have been there for me but I never thought the one I would turn to would be my mom and I'm so happy we are FINALLY at this point in our lives. Mom I Love You, even when I resist  you or roll my eyes...you are truly amazing! 

"Being part of a Family means you are part of something wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. 
No matter what."

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