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Follow me in my NEW Adventure of being 30 --2014 will be full of laughter, tears, hard work and lots of photos of all the GREAT things this year will bring.

Friday, January 10, 2014

The 7 Experiment

AS IF I didn't have enough on my plate already, why not add one other thing? In November I committed to  "7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess" by Jen Hatmaker, which I would spend the next seven months doing different challenges each month. Now I won't get into all the details about the book, because we have a group blog (click on the link above) which explains it all and you should check it out.

Not many of you know I almost wasn't going participate in this HUGE commitment. Not because I couldn't handle it, but because I've had to learn to live simply and I wasn't sure how doing this challenge would help me. When I was living on my own I was forced to cut back on many things and, more importantly, I learned to trust in God in every aspect of my life. So for two years I was able to apply all Jen wrote about in her book to my life already without even knowing it.  My mom and my friend Shu pushed me to go ahead and join this group because they said "it's about the group experience" and "you always learn something new when you go through challenges like this"... well guess what? They are right!

Getting rid of all the excess in our lives is easier to accomplish with a group of people, why? Because we are doing this together. When we are feeling low or even uncomfortable we can gripe and complain to one another about our struggles and in return we get to be lifted up and encouraged --even when they live in Canada or Atlanta. Thank you E-man for your long distance support!

For month Two, we were to choose only 7 items of clothing to wear. I have to admit that this was my favorite month so far, life truly became simple for me...Less laundry and clothing options to choose from.
I chose...
1.)  2 pairs of shoes which count as one item...the "counsel" agreed to this.
2.) Black leggings
3.) Grey Cardigan
4.) Long sleeve shirt
5.) AE blue jeans
6.) Black shirt
7.) Mens plaid shirt
Undergarments don't count as part of your 7. 
Last day of the clothes challenge.
Month 2.5 is Resolution Month (not from the book what so ever).   Here's how my brother puts it: We will postpone our third Challenge: "Possessions - Give Away Your Stuff", to February. This month, in the spirit of the New Year, we will embrace a new challenge: "Choose Seven Resolutions". 

Your challenge is to prayerfully choose seven resolutions regarding 2014, and then keep those resolutions at least through January. Statistics show that nearly 80% of New Year's Resolutions are broken before the end of January, so choose wisely! If, at the end of January, you would like to discontinue your resolutions, you may choose to do so - but I would like to challenge you to consider keeping at least three for the 2014 year!

You can choose anything, but our emphasis is on the spiritual resolves we should make in our lives. For many of us, this will include "physical" or "emotional" resolutions, which is okay. I like the motto from ARWC - "Mind, Body, Spirit" - and feel like it serves as a good guide for making your resolutions. Also, you can think in terms of days or weeks, but try to put a timeline to each resolution. -J.D.

Here is my 7...

 be intentional

1.) Keep up with my blog "let life surprise you" for the entire year. A new post every Friday! 
2.) "How to maximize your life" devotional by You Version and of course daily prayer.
3.) "Clean House"; organize, de-junk but most of all keep up on daily chores.
4.) Less use of Electronics(iPhone, iPad, and TV) and Social Media. No phone out or on around family and friends, period. TV on ONLY after 8pm unless Landon is watching his one 30min cartoons in the am/pm.
5.) Random Acts of Kindness once a week.
6.) Something that makes me happy or I really enjoy doing once a week... Sushi anyone?
7.)Lastly, focus more on Landon and his interests. Once a week take him out around Missoula. The rest of the week, draw, teach him new games and to play the wii, do Legos, etc.

So here I am toward the end of week One of Resolutions.  Already I find I am enjoying healthier thinking and stronger intentions.  Also, a BIG thanks to my group...It is much more fun than I ever imagined!

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